1:1 Mindset Coaching
for HSP Coaches
As a Highly Sensitive Person, you know that your sensitivity is your superpower. But sometimes you might get stuck in the shadows of your sensitivity. I have seen over and over how HSP coaches get stuck in their shadows of over-giving, over-responsibility, self-sabotage, analysis-paralysis and overwhelm. When you are in this space, how conducive is this towards building a coaching practice filled with ease, joy and flow?
Together, we will partner to look deeply into mindset obstacles and beliefs that are keeping you playing small, so you can RISE into your full potential as a person, coach and business owner.

1:1 Mentoring and Supervision
for HSP Coaches
You have a deep desire for knowledge and you want to take your coaching to the next level. But some HSP shadows are interfering with feeling truly in your power in the coaching space. You might absorb your client’s emotions and find it difficult to detach. You’re driven to add value to your clients but you’re not always sure you managed to do that. You feel uncomfortable to challenge what you see and while there is rapport and support in your sessions, you’re not creating the deep transformations you’re truly capable of.
Partnering with me as your Coach Mentor and Supervisor, we will transform the challenges you experience in your coaching practice, so you can amplify the transformations you offer your clients, and grow your confidence and your business in the process.
You can also choose to combine Mentoring & Supervision with Mindset Coaching in a way that’s entirely customised for your needs (without paying more).
RISE - Group Programme
for HSP Coaches
RISE is a comprehensive, intimate group programme for Highly Sensitive Coaches. This programme is built on 3 pillars:
Mentoring & Learning - introducing you to new concepts that marry your trait of high sensitivity with your coaching so you can create a new level of depth in your practice
Group Mirroring & Intimacy - so you can receive reflections and mirroring from a group of highly sensitive coaches, just like you
Group Mentoring & Supervision - where we discuss actual challenges you’ve encountered in your coaching and support you to overcome them and transform your practice